This looks like a really fun event. I haven’t participated in any sumo competitions but I’ve heard they are a blast!
This one is open to two person teams (one adult, one child). Robots must be 100% LEGO with one brain, no limits on sensors or motors. Robots must weigh in at 1 KG or less and must be no larger than 8×8 inches at the start of the match.
If you don’t have a MINDSTORMS kit, I would be willing to sponsor kids currently enrolled in any of my robotics programs who want to participate with their parent by loaning them a robot (subject to availability).

Stuart Lego Sumo Tournament
Saturday, June 9th – 2012
Grace Presbyterian Church
1875 NW Britt Rd, Stuart, FL
From 8:30 – 4:00
Schedule of Events
• 8:15-8:45 – Registration and Weigh-In
• 9:00-11:30 – Individual Rounds
• 11:30-12:30 – Lunch
• 12:30-3:30 – Tag-Team Rounds
• 3:30- 4:00 – Awards Presentation