This Week’s Stock Picks

Here’s a few I like. I’m not in all of them, but I’m watching them closely.

Oceaneering Intl Inc (OII) ($44.17 close yesterday)
I like this one because I’m bullish on oil prices. As the price goes up, it becomes more economical to revive older rigs and hit those more expensive reserves. Both good for OII as it creates new demand for their services. As a hedge against oil prices, the next few years of hurricane activity, if it is indeed as active as predicted, will also be good for maintenance services on the floating rigs in the Gulf Of Mexico.

Tenaris SA (TS) ($40.44 close yesterday)
I’m bullish on steel thanks to growth rates in the Asian markets. They can’t get enough of the stuff and I think it can’t help but push the stock along with it.

True Religion Apparel (TRLG) ($18.58 close yesterday)
I usually hate companies in markets that are so dependant upon fashion and the faddish whims of consumers because I don’t think they are sustainable, but for a short term pick, I’m very bullish on TRLG. They’ve got solid fundamentals and are just piling on the good news right now. Hey, and anything that might make my ass look better can’t be all bad.

All of these stocks came to me by looking at IBD and I must say, I picked them in spite of that.

Other picks:

Novell (NOVL) ($6.18 close yesterday)
These guys are getting hammered in the market right now, and rightfully so. But, they finally canned their CEO and CFO and are releasing some stellar products with a long window of opportunity to generate some market share before Microsoft shows up to the party with Vista. I’m not expecting miracles, but I do see this as a long term buy. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings to see IBM or Oracle tendered an offer either.

EZCorp (EZPW) (42.58 close yesterday)
Solid fundamentals and membership in a booming market sector. What could possibly go wrong? If the economy goes sideways, owning this one would be like having a license to print money. They have a sophisticated pawn operation, make loads of money on those expensive payday loans, and they’re opening new stores at a rapid pace.

Leading Brands Inc. (LBIX) (6.87 close yesterday)
I have no idea why I like them. Perhaps it’s because HANS is just a bit too rich for my blood-even after a 4:1 split. Still, solid growth and good financials. I took a position in this one hoping for the best.