A Short Survey About Summer Camp

This being our first year hosting a summer camp program, I have to say the approach to the start of summer was very different from what I expected. Finding locations, setting up activities, constructing camp materials, advertising, organizing the camp shirts, finding camp counselors and “other related activities” proved to each have their own unique sets of challenges. Thankfully, now that we’re just over a week away, it has all come together nicely. I’m really looking forward to meeting all of the kids and having a great summer!

I’m very interested in learning more about what campers, both enrolled and prospective, think about what we’ve done so far. I setup a short nine question survey to help me understand what I can do to improve in a couple of key areas. If you enrolled in our camp program OR you even considered it, I would love to know what you think about what we offer. Please take two minutes and let us know.

Click here to take the short survey